Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Homeopathy for Asthma by Dr. Shivani Verma MD

Asthma is a common chronic inflammatory disease of airways which is characterized by increased responsiveness of tracheobronchial tree against multiple stimuli.There occur episodes attacks of marked narrowing of the air passage which is clinically manifested as
  • Dysnoea -shortness of breath or breathlessness
  • Wheezing- whistling sound made while breathing.
  • Cough

Most of the attacks are self limiting, patient becomes asymptomatic after the attack.however sometimes acute attack may persist for long and then it is known as status asthmaticus.

Asthma is of two types.

Allergic Asthma/Extrinsic Asthma: This occurs in young, patient has other
 symptoms of allergy in form of flowing nose, nasal discharge (rhinitis), skin eruptions etc
the precipitating causes of allergic asthma are allergens like dust and pollen grains.

Intrinsic asthma/Idiosyncratic asthma: It is present in patients, usually more than thirty years of age. The precipitating causes are: 

Stress, exercise, infection and drugs

Signs and Symptoms: 

The patient presents with Breathlessness, wheezing, chest tightness and coughing. The cough is mostly dry but it may be productive in some patients.

Patho physiology of asthma 

Asthma is thought to be caused by a combination genetic and environmental factors. There occur inflammatory change s in the lungs which leads to

  • Oedema.
  • Formation
  • Hyperplasia of mucosal of lungs 
  • Excessive constriction of the tract

Investigation of asthma

Blood test (TLC, DLC, Hemoglobin, ESR) Mostly normal but sometimes eosinophil  count increase.

 X-ray- X-ray is normal between the attacks but during the attack there may be indication of hyper inflated  lungs.

 Spirometry- Confirmation of asthma is done by spirometry. 

Sputum examination- In case of asthma there are charcoat Layden Crystals and Crushman's spirals are present in asthma.

Homeopathic treatment 

So what homeopathic medicines are available to treat asthma? Asthma like any other condition can be treated with homeopathy at various levels.

Blatta orientalis 

Interestingly, asthma sufferers who benefit from this remedy may complain that their condition is worse in mouldy, damp environments. There may also be an allergy or sensitivity to moulds, mildew and rotting leaves. This group of people comment that exertion and ascending tend to aggravate their symptoms although this can be a general finding in asthma. 


If asthma is associated with nausea and/or vomiting then Ipecacuanha could be indicated. In terms of homeopathy Ipecac patients present with a constant cough with gagging and vomiting. The chest may rattle and the patient complains that the symptoms are worse in warm humid weather and that heat generally makes her feel worse. She therefore may prefer sitting up by an open window to get some air. The hands and feet are cold and perspire profusely. Ipecac is recognised as a remedy for childhood asthmatic crisis. Prompt medical intervention is obviously indicated well before a child reaches this stage of illness.

Lobelia inflata 

Lobelia inflata (Indian tobacco) derives from a common American plant, which has small blue flowers and inflated capsules. The “inflation” of the capsules could serve as a symbol of the type of asthma that this remedy helps.

Antimonium tartaricum 

Sambucus nigra 

Natrum sulphuricum 


This can be very valuable in the treatment of childhood asthma, particularly where asthma and eczema may also be combined. The shortness of breath is reputed to be better when the child kneels on the bed curled up with the chest touching the knees (knee-chest position). Wet weather makes the asthma worse but being at the seaside improves it.


This is a useful remedy for asthma sufferers as it helps build up the immune system to try to prevent recurrent colds and chest infections which may precipitate asthma attacks.
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Sunday, 18 January 2015

Vitiligo By Dr. Shivani Verma (MD)

Vitiligo is a skin disease in which the skin loses its colour in patches due to depigmentation of body parts. Vitiligo can affect any body part which has pigment including skin, hair, inside mouth or in the eyes. Our body gets it colour from the pigment melanin and when the cells producing this die or stop functioning, Vitiligo develops. It is noncontagious and non-life threatening.

Signs and Symptoms of Vitiligo:

The only sign of Vitiligo is depigmented patches. The loss of colour depends on amount of pigment lost. The lesions may be chalky white or milky white or three colours may be seen in the same patch. They can occur anywhere on the body especially on pressure points.

Causes of Vitiligo

The exact cause of Vitiligo is still not known though the disease has autoimmune etiology with familial predisposition. Genetic factors are important because about 20-30% patients give positive family history.

Association Of Vitiligo With Other Diseases

Vitiligo may be associated with:

Cutaneous Disorders: 

alopecia areata, halo nevus, atopic dermatitis, malignant melanoma

Endocrine Disorders:

 Diabetes Mellitus, pernicious anemia, Addison's disease, Hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism.

Patterns of Vitiligo

Vitiligo Vulgaris-

Most common type of Vitiligo, usually has positive family history

Segmental Vitiligo-

It is not associated with autoimmune disease. Depigmentation is restricted to one part of the body. Approximately 50%case involves skin in the distribution of trigeminal nerve.

Generalized Vitiligo- 

It has extensive lesions as described below:
acrofacial vitiligo-discolouration seen predominantly around orifices e.g. around eyes, lips and around palm and soles.

Lip-Tip Vitiligo-

lips, tip of penis, vulva and nipples are involved.

Vitiligo Universalis -

Almost whole of the body is involved. This type of vitiligo is usually associated with multiple endocrinopathies.

Diagnosis of vitiligo

The disease is self-diagnosed by the patches. A few features to be known are :
it is usually not present at birth
There are depigmented mules with scalloped borders.
predilection for site of trauma.

differential diagnosis of vitiligo


It includes all depigmented lesions of the skin inclusive of vitiligo


total absence of pigment in whole body since birth


Reassurance and psychotherapy are most imp. Homeopathy has a remarkably good success rate in cases of leucoderma nevus achromicus - present at birth.
For More Details, Please visit our official Site Click Here...

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Homeopathy for Kidney Stones/Renal Calculi

Kidney stones are scientifically termed as renal calculi. These calculi are accumulation of minerals   specially calcium oxalate, on the inner lining of the kidneys. These renal calculi are nothing but some supersaturated solutions of minerals that crystallize in the kidney itself. It is believed that these stones are formed and removed from our body unknowingly unless their size increases so much that it obstructs the ureters so that symptoms develop.

How Are Kidney Stones Formed

The kidney stones are formed due to insufficient intake of water. Kidneys are the organ for filtration in our body and urine is the waste product that is to be passed out. When the compounds cannot be diluted due to less amount of water, crystallization of salts begins. These crystals are known as renal stones.

Inhibitors of kidney stone formation: normal urine contains chelating agents such as citrate which prevent aggregation of calcium containing crystals, hence reduce stone forming process. It can be concluded that fall in level of such chelating agents below a minimum level increases stone formation. Dietary intake of magnesium & citrate can prevent calculi formation.   

Composition of renal stones: 
These stones vary in composition. They can be made of uric acid, struvite, CYSTINE, others –

  1. Uric acid Stones: these are usually found in people with increased uric acid in blood Eg.-gout, people under chemotherapy etc.
  2. Calcium Stones: these stones are most common. Stone can be made of Calcium Oxalate, Calcium Phosphate or calcium maleate. Vitamin c and spinach contain Oxalate and hence patients with renal stones are asked to avoid them.
  3. Cysteine Stones-They are very rare.
  4. Struvite stones.
  5. Xanthine stones. 

Signs and symptoms

  1. Pain-There is typical radiating pain, starts at renal angle and radiates to thighs. In males pain goes from back to groin. This pain is known as Renal colic.
  2. Blood in urine Whenever the stone gets stuck in the urinary tract, it erodes the canal & thus causes bleeding. This blood passes out with urine. 
  3. Nausea
  4. Vomiting
  5. Foul Smelling Urine
  6. Chills
  7. Fever                                                                                                                    

Diagnosis of kidney stones:

Clinically, the typical sharp, spasmodic pain, beginning in the back and going to thighs referred as renal colic is the most important primary sign of kidney stone. It may be accompanied by nausea or vomiting. The kidney stones can be diagnosed by various other modalities listed below

Imaging Techniques:

 X-Rays – an x-ray of KUB (kidney, ureters, and bladder) region of abdomen usually shows the shadow of stones on the x ray film.

Ultrasound of Abdomen (USG) –This is the common imaging study which diagnoses even the radiopaque stones that are not seen in X-rays Studies.
CT scan: All stones are detected in a CTScan except very fine calculi made of very fine drug residues like Indinavir.

Intravenous Pyelogram – (IVP) - It is a dye study, a dye is injected followed by multiple X-rays of KUB Region. It shows the position of uroliths in the ureters, bladder or urethra.

Retrograde Pyelogram: the study technique is similar to IVP except the dye being injected a AT THE JUNCTION OF URETER & BLADDER.

Blood Tests:

Urine examination 

In patients with recurrent renal stones following investigations are required:
  • Serum calcium, measured fasting on three occasions to exclude hyperparathyroidism
  • Serum uric acid
  • Urinary urate, calcium and phosphate in a 24 hour collection. The urine should also be screened for cysteine.
  • Analysis of any stone passed

Management of renal stones:

Dietary Management of kidney stones-fluid intake should be increased
Salt forming chemicals don’t crystalize when dilute hence drink more water &
Calcium & oxalate restriction-Foods rich in calcium & oxalate are to be avoided. All green leafy vegetables, fish, milk & milk products, oil seeds like coconut water are to be avoided.

Avoid Vitamin & mineral supplements
Avoid fruits and vegetables with hard seeds like tomato, brinjal, ladies finger and guava.In case of Uric stone; avoid purine rich food and decrease animal protein.

Homeopathy treatment of renal calculus:
Homeopathy has achieved abundant success in cases of renal calculi.it needs no praises. Some of the famous medicines are nux vomica, ocimum, lycopodium etc

For More Details, Please visit our official Site Click Here...


All information provided on this blog, relating to specific medical conditions, diseases, their symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prognosis, conventional treatment, alternative medicine, health care, preventive care, homeopathy, homeopathic medicine, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive.

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